Saturday, June 4, 2011

Total Uninstall v5.9.3

Total Uninstall - powerful installation monitor and advanced uninstaller

Total Uninstall - Uninstall any program with the most advanced uninstaller software.

Total Uninstall accurate analyzes installed programs to uninstall them completely.

With "Installed Programs" module Total Uninstall analyze the installed program and create the installation log. This is used to do a complete uninstall even without the help of the provided standard uninstaller from Add Remove Programs.

Total Uninstall is a Windows uninstaller that can monitor new installations.

With "Monitored Programs" module it helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add Remove program, which can leave files or changes behind.

Download ahhh

Semoga bermanfaat 

Cyberlink PowerDVD 11 Ultra Keygen inside

 Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra 11 merupakan versi terbaru dari PowerDVD. Pada versi 11 ini PowerDVD mengubah tampilannya menjadi lebih apik dan user friendly. PowerDVD 11 ini dapat anda gunakan sebagai pemutar film 3D dan BluRay Player. Bagi kamu yang suka nonton Film dengan sensasi yang mantap, kayaknya Cyberlink PowerDVD 11 ini wajib anda miliki


 Cyberlink PowerDVD 11
pass : dytoshare

pass : dytoshare

Bagi yang bermasalah dengan keygen
1. off internet
2. jalan kan ni sopwer
3.jalankan key gen ( isi nama + generate)
4. isi serial numbernya ke power dvd

jadi power dvdnya tetep jalan jangan di close pas jalanin keygennya

Menghilangkan pop up register

coba hapus OLRSubmission.exe, tempatnya di /C:/Program Files/CyberLink/PowerDVD10/OLRSubmission sebelum dihapus back up dulu trs buka programnya masih ada gak pop up nya? 

Selamat mencoba yaaakk

Cara cepat bikin avatar keren

Langsung aja yaa 
nich caranya :

1. buka web ini >> KLIK
2. pilih gambar yg diinginkan, dengan cara klik pada gambar tersebut
3. pilih "Resolution" ke 128x128
4. pada kolom "Enter Text" silahkan tulis ID anda atau terserah anda.
5. jika sudah klik kanan pada gambar utk save hasil gambar ke komputer
6. buka Ulead GIF animator, klo gk punya nih link Downloadnya > KLIK *avatar ane jg bikin pake ini lho gan
7. pada menu Ulead GIF klik "file" > "open file" lalu cari lokasi gambar tempat ente nyimpen hasilnya yg di dapet dari link tsb diatas.
8. jika sudah klik "edit" > "canvas size"
9. klik/centang "keep aspect ratio" lalu isikan 100 pada "width"nya lalu klik "OK" (ini jg berguna utk menghilangkan watermarknya gan, jadi kepotong)
10. selesai sudah klik "file" > "save as" > "GIF file"
11. jika sizenya kelebihan(besar), buka kembali hasil tadi di Ulead GIF lalu klik "file" > "optimation wizard" dan klik/centang pada "optimize using a preset" lalu pilih optimize yg mana saja yg bisa sampai meminimalkan size gambar
12. jika sudah lakukan hal pada nmr 10. lg gan utk menyimpan kembali gambar yg sudah di resize tadi utk di uplaod mjd avatar 
 selesai deh,,,,agan sekarang punya avatar yg gk kalah keren ama bikinan2 master2 avatar creator 

Selamat mencoba yaak

Tutorial HACK duckload Premium Akun

Tonton dulu nih video tutorial nya

Nih username dan pass yg di pake 
Login : 5318406
Pass : 242aa9

Selamat mencoba

Light Image Resizer v4.0.5.7

Light Image Resizer v4.0.5.7

Light Image Resizer from Obvious Idea (previously known as VSO Image Resizer) is a free tool that organizes your photos by shrinking their resolution or moving them within your hard drive. It is the perfect tool for those who store their digital pictures and images on their PC and who want to resize, compress, convert, create copies, import or organize photos. Light Image Resizer is integrated into the Windows explorer shell, right click on your pictures and start working on your pictures!

Using this free resize image software, you can create e-mail friendly versions of your images, load them faster, move them easily from folder to folder, change their format, edit large numbers of image files/batch image resize and thus save space on your hard drive. Using high resolution 1600x1200 for creating wallpaper or file-sharing you can save your memory. Light Image Resizer can also change file names using a template and you can add your own watermark with transparency support.

Key Features:
• new v3 : new filters, top quality and new algorithms
• new v3 : Smart digital frame transfer assistant, to optimize the digital photo frame experience
• new v3 : New resize method seam carving
• new v2 : new engine, 2x faster, support multi-core CPU
• new v2 : works on file, folder and subfolders
• Configurable compression/resolution ratio
• Support file formats: Jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff etc see more formats
• Support Digital Camera RAW formats: Canon .CR2, Nikon .NEF , .MRW Minolta etc see more formats
• Customizable templates for renaming files : Iphone wallpaper, PAL , NTSC, Ipod etc..
• Webmaster tool : Add your logo or watermark file
• Reduce photos size, perfect for web publishing/share photos by email
• Integrate in windows explorer or works as a stand-alone application
• Import directly from your memory cards
• Save history of destination folder
• Variable options and settings for advanced users
• Multilingual support (available languages...)
• Works with 32 and 64bits edition of Windows XP, Vista, 7


Semoga bermafaat

Thursday, June 2, 2011

[ PC game ] Romance Of Three Kingdom X

Bagi yang bosan dengan ROTK XI.. Tiap hari kerjanya hanya perang.. dan perang... dan perang.. dan capek mengatur semua kota/negara.. kini gw persembahkan sebuah game yang setelah mencari selama berdetik-detik, bermenit-menit, berjam-jam, berhari-hari, dan berbulan-bulan serta berembuk dengan Uncle G (Google) akhirnya gw menemukan game ROTK X.Gameplay nya sangat berbeda dengan ROTK XI.. di ROTK X ini kita mengendalikan hanya 1 orang character..

Menilik dari judul yang gw dapat sih.. gw ga yakin kalo nih game dalam bahasa inggris.. dan rasa gw sih KOEI ga bakal ngeluarin game ini dalam full bahasa inggris.. kecuali kita demo ke kantor KOEInya yang ada di Jepang.. hehehehe.. 

Untuk itu gw sudah menyediakan patch untuk bahasa inggrisnya.. ga yakin jg sih 100% translate bahasa inggris.. mungkin 90% ato 99%.. 

Patch bahasa inggris 

Download sobb

Semoga bermanfaat 

Hasil Pencarian Google banyakan "sampah"? BLOCK aja pake ini gan!

Pasti netter semua sering ngalamin kan?
akhir-akhir ini hasil searching google kurang relevan lagi

misalnya :
- hasil search biasanya kita malah dituntun ke mesin pencari lagi.
- belum kalau diajak muter2 ke kuburan jelas juntrung
- tak berujung..
- diajak ke situs xxx

memang sudah ada mekanisme dari google utk melaporkan

sekarang agan2 jangan kuatir dan bisa tersenyum lega

karena uda ada script yang bisa "nendang"
hasil-hasil yang tidak relevan itu.

syaratnya :
- Browser Firefox atau Chrome sudah terinstal Greasemonkey
Ini link greasemonkey
kalo uda, install scripnya
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Fitur :

selebihnya silahkan sobat blogger explore sendiri yah..


semoga bermanfaat

Internet Download Manager v6.05 Build 8 Retail


Version 6.05 Build 8 is available (Mar/17/2011)

What's new in version 6.05 build 8?

- Fixed "Download all links with IDM" menu crashing IE 9

- Fixed critical bug in IE integration module

- Improved audio and video recognition for several sites 

Langsung aja gan unduh , udah termasuk keygen 

Dilih salah satu yaa gan

Semoga bermanfaat 

Rekam Aktivitas Desktop Kamu Dengan - Stone Screen Recorder v1.2.88

Stone Screen Recorder v1.2.88 | 8 MB

clik for zoom

Record your desktop activities to high quality video! Screen recording tool.

Install Note

Just replace "ScreenRecorder.exe" and register with any
information if asked
Stone Screen Recorder is the simplest product to record your desktop activities real time and the speech from microphone, and then combine them into a high quality video file. It can also record the DirectShow/DirectX applications, like the video playback inside Windows Media Player or some games!
It is useful for your demonstrations, help documentation, customer support and training material etc.

With it, you can select the full screen or any area of your screen to record; or just record the activities of one application window which you are interested in.

You can select one of the output video file format from: AVI, Windows Media Video (WMV), Flash Video (FLV) and MPEG-4 Video (MP4). And set the frame size for the target video.
Unduh gan


Semoga bermanfaat

software smsgateway full versi NOWSMS Lite terbaru

yang mau belajar tentang gateway

gimana sih sistem pengiriman pesan seperti ketik REGDAFTAR?
gimana sih cara pengiriman pesan text sms secara masal?
ini ane ada software full untuk coba2
lumayan ampuh dan efisien dikombinasikan dengan script PHP


NowSMS Lite (SMS Gateway/SMS Software for GSM Modems
SMS Software for GSM Modems

The NowSMS & MMS Gateway is one of the most widely used middleware software solutions for SMS, MMS and WAP Push messaging needs. When asked to explain it, we often refer to it as a Swiss Army Knife of mobile messaging protocols.

The NowSMS Lite edition is designed to send and receive SMS and MMS messages using a single GSM (GRPS/EDGE/3G) modem.

The NowSMS Lite Edition allows clients to submit SMS messages to NowSMS for delivery via the GSM modem, using either the HTTP or SMPP protocols. NowSMS Lite also provides examples for submitting SMS messages from Java, PHP and a command line interface.

Received SMS messages can be routed to an application program using either HTTP, SMPP, or a command-line interface.

The NowSMS Lite Edition allows clients to submit MMS messages for delivery via the GSM modem, using either a proprietary HTTP interface that supports both HTTP GET and POST operations, or using the MM7 protocol. MM7 is a SOAP/XML based protocol that operates over HTTP POST. Additionally, NowSMS Lite provides examples for submitting MMS messages from Java, PHP and a command line interface.

Received MMS messages can be routed from NowSMS Lite to an application program using either MM7, an HTTP interface optimised for PHP, or via a file/directory based interface.


Norton 360 v5 Trial 90 Days

THE VANQUISHER BDRip Quality free download movie

Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BDRip
Info :
Runtime : 90 min
Starring : Ben Seton, Dominika Juillet, Daz Crawford
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi

Sector 70 is a noir-ish dystopian future where prosperity belongs to the few - and those determined to take it. Jarron Brenner did well by the system until his body was invaded by the technology he helped to sell. After a series of traumatic events, a mysterious agent Miranda May takes it upon herself to help save Jarron's life. Soon, however, they find themselves hunted by the shadowy forces of an alien conspiracy