Saturday, November 27, 2010

Spyware Terminator

Millions of users worldwide rely on Spyware Terminator, winner of many awards and high ratings from industry experts and users. Its free comprehensive protection is comparable to competitors' paid versions!
Spyware Terminator includes:
  • Fast spyware scanning
  • 100% real-time protection
  • HIPS protection
  • Antivirus protection
  • Multilanguage Support
  • Free automatic updates
  • Free scheduled scans
  • Free support
Spyware Terminator will scan your computer for known threats and report findings in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Every entry is given a rating and a classification, which makes it very easy to decide if a detected item should be removed. Unlike some free software titles, Spyware Terminator will remove all threats for free.
Spyware Terminator is licensed for free for both home and business use


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Microsoft Security Essentials 1.95.333.0 freeware

With Microsoft Security Essentials, you get high-quality protection against viruses and spyware, including Trojans, worms and other malicious software. And best of all, there are no costs or annoying subscriptions to keep track of.

For Download       = Windows XP 32‐bit
                             = Windows Vista/Windows 7 32‐bit  
                             = Windows Vista/Windows 7 64‐bit

Blue Atom Antivirus 2010 3.0.04B freeware

Blue Atom Antivirus is a small antivirus but this is very strong. Blue Atom Antivirus created by Alvin Leonardo. Blue Atom Antivirus is lighter than another Antivirus and this Antivirus is strong because it has 3 engines and 4 databases. Blue Atom Antivirus has a special scanner engine, so Blue Atom Antivirus can scan your PC quickly.

For Download : Click Here

Norton 360 All-in-One Security Beta 5.0 freeware

Click For Zoom

Award winning speed, performance and protection technologies with automatic backup and PC tune-up to keep you safe, secure and running at top speed. Effortless to use and works quietly in the background

Author :

Symantec Corporation

OS : Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
Date Released :  October 20, 2010
 Filesize : 125.00 MB

For Download : Click Here   Kalau Link nya g bisa , anda bisa masuk ke website resmi Symantec

ZoneAlarm Firewall Free freeware

Protect your PC with #1 Free Firewall

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data.

For Download : Click Here

AVG LinkScanner 10 (32 bit) 2011.1170 freeware

Search, shop and social network knowing that you, your identity, and personal information are safe.

Why AVG LinkScanner?

AVG leads the way in protecting you from ever-increasing online threats.

* Checks each web page in real time before it opens on your computer
* Automatically updates whenever a new threat is discovered
* It’s quick and easy to install, won’t get in your way, and it’s FREE!
For Download : Click Here

AVG LinkScanner 10 (64 bit) 2011.1170 freeware

Search, shop and social network knowing that you, your identity, and personal information are safe.

Why AVG LinkScanner?

AVG leads the way in protecting you from ever-increasing online threats.

* Checks each web page in real time before it opens on your computer
* Automatically updates whenever a new threat is discovered
* It’s quick and easy to install, won’t get in your way, and it’s FREE!

For Download : Click Here

Sunday, November 21, 2010

ChromePlus freeware

ChromePlus has all the functionalities that Google Chrome has. More, ChromePlus added some useful features such as Mouse gesture, Super drag, IE tab, etc. Meanwhile, ChromePlus is free with no function limitation and you can use ChromePlus to surf the internet in any case.

For Download : Click here

Chromium 9.589.0 freeware

Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.

For Download : Click Here

Free Download Manager 3.0 freeware

Download files and convert videos (including flash) faster with open-source Free Download Manager. Its features include integration with all browsers, support of downloads from rapidshare, adjusting traffic usage, BitTorrent support, resuming broken downloads, and more. The new version features prioritized and partial torrent downloads, support for Chrome and Safari browsers, multifile metalinks, FDM plugins, and numerous optimizations.

For Download : Click Here

Thursday, November 18, 2010

XoftSpySE anti spyware (tangkal keylogger)

XoftSpySE Anti-Spyware 7.0 is easy to install and use. Its common sense interface puts the full features of this anti-spyware software in your hands. You simply choose the scan you want and this antispyware download goes to work. It will scan deeply to find all kinds of spyware and malware, threatening to steal your identity and credit card information, bombard you with advertising and monitor your online activities. As well, this antispyware download will help keep your PC running right by removing spyware and malicious code that can slow you down.

This anti-spyware software is feature-packed to protect you and your PC. An innovative Browser Helper Object Editor will remove all of those aggravating toolbars and other add-ons that just clutter up your browser. XoftSpySE Anti-Spyware 7.0 also features a Startup Editor that lets you manage which programs automatically launch.

For Download

Otak Atik Author Paket Symbian

Indonesia :

Tidak perlu punya kemampuan reverse code engine asalkan menggunakan aplikasi SISContents, Anda bisa mengoprek isi dari paket Symbian.

Fitur utama dari SISContents:
  • Membaca isi dan menampilkan informasi pada paket SIS;
  • Ekstrak file dari paket SIS;
  • Ekstrak paket komponen tertanam sebagai file sis (termasuk sertifikat);
  • Melihat dan menyimpan instalasi skrip PKG;
  • Tanda paket, menampilkan informasi pada sertifikat (masa berlaku, penerbit, topik, dll), dan menghapusnya dari paket;
  • Edit paket: modifikasi nama, vendor, versi, jenis instalasi, didukung platform (perangkat), dependensi software, tersedia pilihan. Anda juga dapat menambah, mengganti dan menghapus file / mengandung komponen dalam satu paket dan kemampuan berubah, UID3, SID dari executable (exe misalnya, dll, ldd, dll);
  • Membaca isi file dan ekstrak dari paket N-Gage;
  • Ekstrak dan mengedit isi dari file MIF tertanam dalam paket sis;
  • Melihat, ekstrak gambar dari dan mengedit multibitmap (MBM) file tertanam dalam paket sis;
  • Memodifikasi tema untuk platform S60.

Kompatibilitas: Windows XP SP2/Server 2003 RC II/Vista/Server 2008/7

english : 

No need to have the ability to reverse code engines provided using SISContents application, you can mengoprek Symbian contents of the package.

The main feature of SISContents:

    * Read the contents and show information on SIS package;
    * Extract files from SIS package;
    * Extract embedded component package as sis files (including certificates);
    * View and save installation PKG script;
    * Sign packages, display the information on certificates (validity period, publisher, topic, etc.), and remove it from the package;
    * Edit package: modification of name, vendor, version, type of installation, supported platforms (devices), the dependencies of software, available options. You also can add, replace and delete files / contain components in one package and the ability to change, UID3, the SID of the executable (exe for example, etc., ldd, etc.);
    * Read the contents of the package file and extract the N-Gage;
    * Extract and edit the contents of the MIF files embedded in sis packages;
    * View, extract and edit images from multibitmap (MBM) files embedded in sis packages;
    * Modify the theme for s60 platform.

For Download = click here

Mempercepat Kinerja Windows Mobile

WinMo alias Windows Mobile sebenarnya udah cukup cepat tanpa di tweaking.. tapi jika Anda ingin WinMo lebih cepat secepat angin. Silahkan aplikasi satu ini bernama StartProgWOSense v2.4

Prinsipnya mempercepat WinMo dengan mengurangi beban RAM dengan cara mematikan GUI dari vendor, terutama untuk produk HTC yang menggunakan Sense UI. Dengan mematikan Sense UI, RAM dapat dihemat lebih dari 30MB. Dengan demikian, 30MB dapat dihemat untuk merender aplikasi laiinya.

Aplikasi ini kompatible dengan Windows Mobile 6.0/6.1/6.5 update 3/Windows Phone 7. Disarankan sebelum memodifikasi Anda restore dan backup dulu seluruh set dan isi ponsel

For Download = click here

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


GameThrust menentukan standar untuk PC dan internet mengoptimalkan perangkat lunak. GameThrust meningkatkan kecepatan dan kinerja sistem anda dan koneksi internet Anda. Sangat mudah digunakan, sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan semua versi Microsoft Windows dan menyesuaikan diri dengan spesifikasi komputer Anda. Bawa game Anda ke tingkat berikutnya.

Membuat perubahan langsung ke sistem registry dan file sistem untuk meningkatkan memori, layar gambar, animasi, tingkat refresh, cpu threading kecepatan, kecepatan internet. Secara otomatis menyesuaikan pengaturan dan perubahan yang dilakukan berdasarkan sistem toleransi spesifikasi komputer dan internet, kesalahan lengkap diimplementasikan.

Deep sistem analisa dan fitur diagnostik yang mencoba untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki masalah yang potensial dengan komputer mempengaruhi kinerjanya.

Fitur utama dari "GameThrust":
· Software Advanced berbasis over-clocking fitur untuk meningkatkan memori, prioritas cpu dan koneksi internet.
· Mudah dan user interface yang intuitif melakukan semua pengaturan perubahan segera.

Untuk download : 

Friday, November 12, 2010

To call TuneUp Utilities 2009 useful would drastically understate the situation. The app provides users with a powerful, well-designed utility that accesses the entire Windows maintenance tool set and more in a fast, organized, and easy-to-use series of connected modules.
Temp file management, registry cleaners and start-up program controls are the bread-and-butter of these utilities, and these basics work in TuneUp more quickly and easily than most. However, the app also sports great add-on tools you don't usually see in a utility program. It offers a variety of Internet and program-acceleration tweaks as well as Windows performance enhancers. The crash-preventing MemOptimizer, a file shredder, deleted file recovery, and a respectable uninstall utility round out the suite. You even can automate maintenance tasks with the scheduler or tweak Windows' appearance with the styler tool. The built-in RescueCenter can restore all changes completely or one by one.
The system-analyzing wizard, with its thorough reporting and upgrade suggestions, is worth the program price alone. Between the guts of steel and the stylish, logically arranged interface, TuneUp Utilities suits all users--from complete beginners who will appreciate the one-click optimization to more daring users who will experiment with all the settings.

FOr download

TUNEup utilites 2011

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Mirc Terbaru/7.14 Full Version

mIRC merupakan Internet Relay Chat client yang populer digunakan oleh jutaan orang, dan ribuan organisasi, untuk berkomunikasi, berbagi, bermain dan bekerja dengan satu sama lain pada jaringan IRC di seluruh dunia. Melayani masyarakat Internet untuk lebih dari satu dekade, mIRC telah berkembang menjadi bagian kuat, dapat diandalkan dan menyenangkan teknologi.

Changes in 7.14:

* Fixed mouse drop menu event bug.
* Fixed $isutf() bug.
* Fixed /scon recursion gpf bug.
* Changed /filter to halt only if an alias call returns an error.
* Fixed /hadd -u bug.
* Optimized text display caching.
* Changed file handling to flush files to disk immediately.

For download

Mirc 7.14 Full
Mirror Download

Friday, November 5, 2010

Folder Lock 6.5.0 Full VErsion

Folder Lock is a fast file-security software that can lock, hide or encrypt any number of files, folders, pictures and documents in seconds. It is fast, reliable, portable and convenient. Folder Lock is a computer software application that password protects and locks your personal files and folders.

Folder Lock it makes your files undeletable, hidden and highly secure, hides files from kids, friends and co-workers, safeguards them from viruses, trojans, worms and spyware, protects them from networked computers, cable users and hackers.
Files can also be protected on USB Flash Drives, Memory Sticks, CD-RW, floppies and notebooks. Protection works even if files are taken from one PC to another on a removable disk, without the need to install anysoftware.
You can optionally lock and/or encrypt files & folders. It can even lock your PC. It locks files on kernel level, Windows Explorer and even real DOS Mode.

Here are some key features of "Folder Lock":

· Users have an option whether to Encrypt or Lock, choices useful for both power users and casual users. Those who want ultimate security, can choose encrypiton. those who want ultimate speed, can choose locking.
· There’s no longer the hassle of encrypting each and every file on different locations. Think how much time you will save simply by putting all your files andfolders in one location. Convenient encryption and decryption happens on-the-fly.
· Both Encryption and Locking are exceptionally fast. No competitor is offering this speed while offering 100% secure 256-bit AES Encryption.
· The Lockers can’t be deleted on the computer where Folder Lock is installed and Folder Lock can't be uninstalled without the correct password.
· Users who want to password protect folders on multiple locations on their hard disk, not just on the C: drive, can easily protect their files on another partition by copying the 'Lockers' from one place to another or by simply using the 'Lock' feature.
· Secure and very strong Encryption. A strong industry standard 256-bit AES Encryption is used to encrypt your files for maximum protection. It is one of the most trusted encryption algorithms used in United States Military.
· Folder Lock offers fully portability and it can even protect CD/DVD-RW, not just USB Flash Drive, Memory Stick and floppy disks. To protect data on these drives, you can simply copy or burn your Locker to that drive.
· Lockers can also be emailed to someone over the internet. They won't be able to see your encrypted files without your password / permission. Even if someone breaks through and checks your email attachment in between, he won't be able to decrypt or use this information without the correct password.
· Folder Lock works flawlessly on all Next Technology Windows, i.e. Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT. It is also fully compatible on all disk drives types including FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and EFS.
· You can increase the size of your Locker by simply adding more files and folders into your Locker. Even if you are left with little space in your Locker, you can always increase its size.
· Brute force cracking is not possible, since the program delays for some time once a password is entered. This will prevent hackers who may try many different combinations of passwords to get through your files. The program also produces a load beep when an incorrect password is entered, to alert the administrator of possible hack attempt.
· Password Strength meter shows you the strength of the password as you type, while you're setting a new password. Basic rule of thumb is to use a password that is easy to remember but hard one to guess.
· Folder Lock doesn't save the password in the registry or the disk, preventing hackers and crackers.
· Folder Lock also offers Auto Protect and Auto Shutdown features, this setting automatically locks or shutdown if more than five incorrect passwords are entered to try to decrypt the files.
· Folder Lock erases tracks of users when they click the lock button. It deletes recent document history, find file and folder history and the data in clipboard when you close the Locker.
· Protects important files from viruses, hackers, crackers, trojans, malware, spyware, worms, malicious programs and scripts. Protects files from network computers if you do not want to share files on network. Also protects files from hacker tools when you connect to theinternet.
· While using the Lock feature, users can choose to lock & hide their files simultaneously. Locked & Hidden files are unrenameble, undeletable, unmovable and totally inaccessible. There is no limit to the size of data or the type of files you can protect.
· With its reduced file size and compact design, Folder Lock takes only 3.5 MB of hard disk space - small, portable and easy to keep. Thanks to the latest compression techniques. The GUI and interface is so well designed, it looks like an integral part of Windows XP.
· Folder Lock isn't required to run at all times. Moreover, it doesn't save anything to the registry/run so that users do not have any memory problems or stability problems with the program

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