Thursday, January 21, 2016

Publisher Update - No More Malware

Publishers Updates - January 2016
Update #1: No More Malware!
Dear toto,

We are happy to announce that for the past few months our network is 100% clean from malware and no malware
was found in over 80,000 sites that work with us.

For the past few months we have taken many actions to make sure our network is clean from malware while taking a stand and setting new standards in the advertising industry:

1. We have integrated the top scanning tool in the industry, a tool that is being used by the online banking ecosystem.
2. We have strengthen our editorial procedures
3. We are taking strong and immediate actions against any suspicious creative

Today, with emerging CPMs, responsive and auto-optimized ad codes and high revenue generated from both desktop and mobile - it is a great time-frame to run our ads on your website once again.

To continue, simply login to your account, grab the ad code and place it across your websites. Make sure that the ads are placed in your mobile version as well as the desktop version, if differs.
Get Paid - $10 Minimum Payouts 
PayPal, Payza, Checks, Cheques & Bank Wire. Getting paid starting at $10 a month.
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